Television advert - ‘Mannequins’
This advert, featuring a breast cancer survivor, uses mannequins to highlight the importance of being aware of, and not ignoring any unusual changes to your breasts.
Woman’s voice
Most women know that if you find a lump here, you see a doctor.
But any unusual changes in your breasts can be a sign of cancer such as skin changes, like:
turned in nipples,
crusted nipples or a discharge from your nipples.
(Caption shows on screen: Your symptoms may vary from those shown here. For any symptoms, see your GP.)
Nine out of 10 women survive breast cancer when they find it early and get treatment – like I did. So, if you notice any unusual changes to your breasts, see your GP.
(Caption shows on screen: Based on 5 year survival rates).
Listen to your body. It could be nothing… but you need to let your GP check.
Be cancer aware. Get checked early.